SGP strives to provide a better working environment for all employees.

Compensation and benefits
Health care, Child-care allowance, Mid-shift meal allowance, Sport festivals and Internal selling program.

Annual increase of salary scale
Based on the results of annual production and business activities, the company shall consider raising the salary scale for the employees based on the performance evaluation results in the year (every April each year). The employee with satisfactory Performance rating shall be considered for salary increase decided by the competent authority

13th-month salary and bonus
13th month salary:
- Pursuant to the business situation of the company.
- In accordance with the Company’s 13th month salary regulation issued every year.
- Based on the Company’s annual production and business results and employee’s work completion level, the Company shall consider the annual bonus for the employees.
- Bonus in special cases: i.e technical innovations, new products, outstanding achievements, excellent performance of assigned tasks… according to the Company’s bonus regulation

Monthly attendance allowance
This allowance is applied to employees who have working days in a month from 13 days or more, the entitlement level is calculated on actual number of working year at the company.Allowance is calculated according to the formula = Number of working year (full year) * allowance level

Allowances for special cases of individuals
The wedding of the employee, funeral, female employee giving birth.

Additional regime days off
In addition to the public holiday as prescribed in the labor law, every year, Company will give employees at least 02 additional days off depending on the Company’s arrangement. – Employee’s wife giving birth entitles to 02 days.

Work Environment
Dynamic and creative environment