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Kết quả hiển thị 663


Tháng 1 31, 2024

DN trên đà phát triển cùng đất nước

Chắc chắn nền kinh tế đất nước sẽ tiếp tục đà tăng trưởng mạnh mẽ trong năm 2008 cũng như doanh nghiệp (DN). Tôi mong Chính phủ sẽ tiếp tục có nhiều chính sách vĩ mô và điều hành nền kinh tế sáng suốt, giải quyết được lạm phát, tăng giá. Ông Cao Tiến Vị, Chủ tịch HĐQT Công ty Cổ phần Giấy Sài Gòn:


Tháng 1 31, 2024

Asian Paper 2008 in Bangkok

Asian Paper 2008 will be held from April 23, 2008 to April 25, 2008 at Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.


Tháng 1 31, 2024

Vietnam at ASIAN paper 2008

ASIAN Paper 2008, one of important event of Asian Paper industry, has been held in Bangkok, Thailand in the days of April 23 to April 25. Two main Parts of A.P 2008 were Exhibition and Conference including two subjects of New Technology Application and Senior Management. Participators in A.P 2008 were paper producers, suppliers of chemical, equipment, paper machines from G7, North Europe, Japan, Korea and traders, services, representative offices from China, India, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, etc., with more than 160 stalls. It was the first time Vietnam introduce themselves to continential paper industry with one stall and one speech at the conference. This was the result of exertion of Vietnam Pulp and Paper Association (VPPA) in establishing relationship between Associations in Region and Asia. The stall of 18 sqm was the place where Vietnam introduced to companies an optimistic view of investing in Vietnam. In 2007, Vietnam paper industry had the consumption of 1.8 million tonnes, the growth of 21% per year and the satisfication of 59.6%. It was a good sign that more than 1,000 sets of directory and business card were handed at A.P 2008. At the conference, the General Secretary of VPPA, Mr. Vu Ngoc Bao, had a speech with the astonished numbers of capacity, consumption, and projects until 2010 with many 100% foreign direct investments such as Vina Kraft, Lee & Man, Nine Dragon, An Binh, An Hoa, Sai Gon Paper, Vinapaco, Southern, etc.