Tariff of paper reducing
Tariff of paper reducing

Ministry of Finance (MOF) has decided to reduce tariff rate of newsprint, writing/printing paper and drawing papers, etc. by 7 – 12% that comes into effect after 15 days from gazetting. According to the 71/2008/QĐ-BTC decision signed to promulgate by The Prime Minister of MOF.
Mr. Do Hoang Anh Tuan on Sep 01, 2008, tariff rate of newsprint (Group 4801) falls sharply to 20% from 32%, uncoated paper and carton (G. 4802), writing/printing paper and drawing papers, card paper and unbored paper in roll or sheet, in anysize (not include newsprint, toilet paper, napkin); handwork paper and carton fall from 32% to 25%.
Others of this group as paper and carton used for producing light, themic or electronic sensible paper, carbon paper, aluminium paper, etc. have the unchanged tariff of 5%. Based on the suggestion of Vietnam Pulp & Paper Association, this decision of MOF will encourage domestic investors in strengthening newsprint and writing/priting paper production investments by high technology. Source (VnMedia)