Investing in Intelligence
Investing in Intelligence

The weakness of operation of state companies is not only caused by relaxed managing and over-protecting, but also by lacking of experienced managers. Because most of them are promoted from The Subsidization Period, the current managers are mixing study and work.
That is the real speech of one manager of macroscopic level. Many sponsors also believe that shortage of high labor source, limitation of institution and infrastructure are the three reasons that restrict Vietnam economy growth in the integration process.
According to some sources, Vietnam university level and over labor source is only 4.5%. Number of qualified businessmen are very small; meanwhile 90% of managers of other countries have both professional degrees and managing knowledge. “Not to have a firm business without knowledge basic that are able to damage society in some cases.Therefore, characteristics of businessmen are interested matters”, said Prof. Dao Nguyen Cat, Vice president of Vietnam Science and Technology Association.
The shorten of intelligence of enterprise managing staffs specially shows in privately owned section. Following the investigation of Medium and Small Enterprise Development, Ministry of Plan and Investment, 45.5% of managers (75,4% of them are managers of privately enterprises) are under tertiary education level. Medium and small enterprises mangers having Master or Doctor’s Degree occupy only 3.7%. Many managers have beginning business skill, who are only interested in form, not in quality and standard of operating promotion.
An example as the following story of Mr. Le Dang Doanh, a senior business authority: A massage enterprice in Hanoi suddenly become Kim Tuc massage group. A small electricity equipment enterprise consulted by him after several months also becomes ABC Electricity equipment corporation. Despite their great names, the managers, capital and capacity are still at small managing level. In reality, the number of new enterprises is developing in geometric progression with 300,000 enterprices. In privately companies section, it increases 22% in quantity per annual. The Vietnam Government have the target of 500,000 companies in 2010. But training enterprise managers is not reached development demand.
In business, to face with strong and knowledge competitors, luggage of businessmen are knowledge and professional. Nobody was born as a CEO, but they must be experience in learning and working. Therefore, State should encourage to supplement them for the manager staff. They also influent to business manner, strategy and advantaged science and technology approach level of every enterprise. And that is the most cheap and intelligent investment.
Source NLD